

Hi there, Dispy here! I am doing well and know all of my commands but I am still training on them just to keep them sharp for my adopted family. I am learning the "BANG" command. I like it because when they say bang, I fall to the floor and pretend to die. After that, they give me lots of treats. We had no big yard dog runs last week and that made me a little upset because I enjoy running and playing with the other dogs really stretching out my legs. 

I wore one of my new sweaters this week for our bathroom break because it was really cold. About time for a new one though this one is getting a little snug.... ooops!


Hi there, Dispy's secondary trainer here. All is well with young Dipsy. Very cute, very smart, very active are just a few ways to describe  this wonderful pooch. She knows all of her commands along with a couple of other tricks such as shake and bang. I along with Dipsy's alternate trainer, speak Spanish, so this week we are going to incorporate Spanish into her training. We will say the commands in Spanish while using the hand signals she already knows in English. Let's see how fast she learns. 


Hi, my name is Dipsy. Every day I am growing more and more. I now weigh 40 pounds. I am also learning Spanish. I know sientate, abajo and cama, which are sit, down and bed. My trainers are going to show me more commands next year. I enjoyed Christmas because they toot pictures of me. I am a big girl now. I don't go to the bathroom in the kennel. I hope to have a new home soon. If you adopt me, I promise I will make you proud owner.


Dipsy now knows 4 commands in Spanish which are sientate (sit), abajo (down), cama (bed) and aqui (here). She knows all of her commands in English and the hand signals for each so using the hand signals we say the spanish word and she is able to recognize what it means. Dispy is a smart, loving girl who can't wait to find her forever home.


We are continuing to work with outside trainers this week and she is doing really well. We try to get at least one or two extra trainers per week to work with her. My focus last week was giving her more off leash freedom and the leave it command with high distractions. I would give her the release command and allow her to go meet and play with people in the day room. Then I would tell her to leave it and call her back to my side. She is making progress even though it is still a challenge, especially if they have her favorite toy ball. It is hard for her to break her attention but we are working on it. I'm also trying to get her use to playing with other dos. She is high energy so we have to find dogs that can match her energy, I am also introducing some small puppies to her trying to teach her how to be gentle with them. This is really going to take some work.


Dipsy knows all of her commands. Not only does she know them all but she knows them in English and Spanish. She is ready for here forever home and has all the basics to be the best dog ever.


This week Dipsy has been getting use to our newest team member. They have been working and playing with each other to build a bond. She is responding well to him when he gives her commands even though she does get distracted sometimes. She is at a stage now where she wants to do her own thing. We have a few females in heat right now so that may be one of the issues. There are also a lot of puppies around and she gets very excited by them and wants to play all of the time. Overall she is still doing well though and making progress.


Week 1

Buck came to us on 3-20. He was formerly called Houston. I'm from central Georgia so Houston sounds like House-ton. The name was confusing him so I changed it to Buck, which is short for Buckshot.

While washing buck and checking him for fleas, ticks, scars or what ever on his entrance day, I discovered a pellet under the skin of his right shoulder. He also has scaring down his right side and down his back leg. 

Buck has learned to leash walk and sit, although sometimes he is a little hard headed about it. He weighed 39 pounds when he came in and now with everyday feeding weighs 42. Buck is already neutered and loves to be petted and given attention.

Week 2

Buck is looking a lot better. he is now 44 pounds which is his optimal weight. We will balance his weight gain out here and balance the intake of food as well as treats to keep him from becoming over weight.

Training with Buck is going ok. His strength is leash walking, he is very good at it. He does well with give when asked to release a toy. 

Buck has had zero marking accidents in the dorm this week. I have worked on preventing him from marking outside to help him learn that there is no need to mark, this is all shared territory.  Buck has become great friends with Emma, her crate is right above his and they play well together as well. 

Buck has beautiful eyes , they are those huge brown sad eyes.

Buck loves to crawl in my lap and just love on me. I'm certain he will do the same for you.

Week 3

Buck has been with us for 3 weeks now and he loves to be petted and crawl up in my lap. Play appears to be a new concept for him but he is slowly coming around to playing with toys. 

Buck is very well mannered when it comes to his bed, pillow and blankets. He has never tried to chew them up. His training is going ok. We have introduced him to all 15 commands. The sit command is the one he "bucks" the most. 

Week 4

Buck has been with us for 4 weeks now and has learned all 15 of the basic commands. Now we are working on him performing them with only verbal ques. We are also working on better eye contact.

Buck has now found a new play buddy. He is now playing with Zazu (a young lab mix). He is one of the few male dogs he is comfortable with. He is much more a lady's man.

Buck is so affectionate towards me and I have to be out of site for someone or another dog to get his attention. If he came see me, he is stopping whatever and coming straight to me every time. Once you build a bond with him, he will forever be your best friend.

​**** Buck is still available for adoption but has left the training program and resides at the shelter no more blogs will be added



Oliver is a good boy most of the time. He knows a few commands such as sit, down, bed, kennel and release. He plays well with other dogs, big and small. He does have a little toys aggression and we are surely going to work on that. Oliver loves to be petted and to cuddle. He loves to sleep on the bed and have his belly rubbed as well. His leash walking is pretty god but there is always room for improvement in that department. He is toy aggressive when there are other dogs around but if you take away the toys he gets along with and plays with all the dogs perfectly. He enjoys shower time and taking a bath. He is a very loving dog and loves to run and play. He runs around really fast when it is outside play time then comes in all tired and ready for a nap.


Oliver's favorite toys are squeaky toys and hard chew bones. He doesn't like for his toys to be messed with though. He loves cheese puffs more than the toys though. They are his favorite treat. He loves to cuddle and lay in bed as much as he can. He likes having his teeth brushed and bath time. He is full grown at about 46 pounds and is ready to fill your home with his love. 


Oliver is a very loving dog. He does not chew on his bed, loves a bath and doesn't mind having his teeth brushed or his ears cleaned. he is not fond of getting his nails clipped or his feet being touched much at all. Oliver is fully trained and knows all 13 of his basic commands we teach here at the training program. He loves to run and is sometimes a little hardheaded especially when you take him off leash outside. He thinks you chasing him is a game and he will run run run. We are currently working on a recall command for that.


Oliver has shown lots of improvement this week. Behavioral training has shown to be affective and he is getting better at listening to the commands he is given. Oliver is so smart and is learning new things every day. He is a great dog to work with and an amazing cuddle buddy. I have taught him two new commands this week in which he enjoys them both. The first one is the center command. This is where when I say center, Oliver comes and sits between my legs while I am standing. The other is the through, back through command. This is done as you are walking. If you give Oliver the command he will go through your legs while you are walking and then back through again. He enjoys doing both of these commands and will do then over and over if you tell him to.


​This week has been a good one. Oliver has shown so much improvement in all areas. He is still having a small issue with the here command but I know he will get it soon. I have started with some off leash training and he is doing great. He stayed right there in the heel spot and did every command almost instantly. 

Oliver's favorite things to do is tug on a rope and run. We are working on knowing when it is time to play and when it's not.  He is doing better about walking past male dogs. Behavioral training has been a great thing for Oliver.


This week has been a good one in it's self. Going to new places and seeing new things, yes Oliver did it, and did it well.  O liver is a dog that truly loves to tug. If you find a toy that he loves he will retrieve it with no problem. Oliver has come a long way and is such a great dog to work with. He loves love and affection (love and hugs) once he trust you. He is still is still young and at times will get a little side tracked and need to be redirected but for the most part he will do whatever you command. Oliver loves to also lay in bed with you and just relax. Such a great family dog.


This week Oliver has has some ups and downs but we have worked through them. Oliver is such a great dog and has an awesome cuddle side to him. We have been working on the left - right heel commands and he has been doing well there too. All other commands are good except heel which is still a work in progress. Leash walking is getting much better and his focus is starting to be more on who is walking him instead of everything else. Seen a strange toy this week and Oliver went crazy trying to get it which was a small set back but we worked through it together.


This week Oliver has shown signs of truly bonding with me. The here command is much stronger and the loving side of Oliver is showing with me even more. We still have some rough times but we work through them together. Leash walking is getting better as long as other dogs don't come up behind him sniffing. Oliver loves to search for things. My nickname for him is "The Wild Pig" because he grunts like a pig when he gets excited. Also one of his favorite toys here is a pig. Oliver is learning a new trick and that is to heel backwards and as you walk forward he backs up in the heel position. He is doing well there too. Oliver is a great dog and I truly enjoy being around him.


Oliver had a weird week where he seemed to be kind of skiddish towards things. He is a fast learner and has gotten over it after a few days of his favorite command which is jump (on my bed) and being covered up and going right to sleep. He will lay there all night long. He really is such a great dog.


Oliver is a really great dog. He likes everyone but women more than men. He is not fond of people with hats or mask on. He is very treat motivated. He loves to spend time outdoors but then is very ready to come inside and cuddle up and take over your bed. He is doing well with commands and leash walking, sometimes I just have to remind him to keep the good eye contact.


​Oliver is still doing ok here at training. He plays a little too rough for small children but would be fine for older ones. He loves his people and does ok with other dogs. He is still a little scared of things he doesn't understand, like hats and facemask. He is treat motivated so that helps with a lot of his learning .


This past week Oliver is doing so much better on the here command. He actually is doing better with all of his commands and his leash walking.  Oliver is a really great dog but does get the zoomies often. 



Week 1

Zazu has been doing great, He is 45 pounds now. He is doing great with his commands. He still doesn't want to do the give command but we will continue to work on that. He just wants to play so much. He is getting a lot better at stay and bed. He only breaks when I walk out of his vision. This week I am going to work on that getting that better so that he will stay no matter where I go. I am also going to work on some off leash training with him. He is already picking up on it as he walks by my side when i let him out of the kennel and he isn't yet leashed up. He wonders off sometimes but that won't be hard to fix. At that point he will be pretty much fully trained. He knows all of his commands and does them for me as well as the two other people that work with him. He is a smart dog. He loves to bark when you give him commands as if to say ok and will also bark if he is left in his kennel too long. He does have a good energy level and like to play and receive constant attention. 

Week 3

Zazu has really come a long way. He does all of his commands for me. He even will walk off leash for me now. He still bucks on my secondary trainers. He doesn't give them as much attention as he does me.  We are working on that. He still barks a good amount. Just less than it use to be. He is 46 lbs now and plays great with any dog. He loves doing the bed command and just laying around with a toy. He is high energy and isn't shy to show it. He gets excited easily and jumps around. Toys will keep him busy though. He is very sweet and loves attention. He likes to lick a lot also. Mainly my face when i am letting him lay next to me and petting him. He is really a great dog and would fit into most any family.

Week 4

Zazu has been doing great. He is doing well with the off leash walking with me just not anyone else. All of his other commands are great with anyone who does them with him. He still gets excited and pees in the kennel. He still hasn't shown any aggression. He loves all people and dogs. He does try to bite on my hand with to much energy. we are working on that. The give command he does well for my team of trainers but not very many other people. Whoever gets him needs to know that he has German Sheppard in him and he can be very hyper and will need time to run and play or he will use that energy in chewing on thins like his blanket and toys. He sometimes even chases his tail. He is such a great dog and would be great with the right person that understands his breed and his sometimes over active energy.

Week 5

Za zu has been doing good. He will do all of his commands in the dog room. This is a good thing because there are so many distractions. He is a really sweet dogs that loves to run around and play. He really needs a fenced in yard to have run around time to play in or a lot of toys inside. He loves any toy and will stay up for hours in the morning after breakfast playing with his toys. We are still working on his chewing on his blankets and things that are not toys. He does still need several bathroom breaks a day. He will also use a pad if provided. I think that with age this will become less frequent. He is great at listening and makes good eye contact which helps with his commands. He will be an amazing family dog.


Zazu is such a great dog. He has all the characteristics of a black lab. He is young, energetic and playful. Fetch is his favorite game. While he still tugs on the leash when it is time to go outside, his indoor manners are excellent. He will stay by my side on or off leash and obey every command. Zazu also enjoys playing with his neighbor Gracie as well as some of the other bigger dogs, but he is also very gentle with the small puppies. He will make a great addition to any home.


Zaza is such a joy to work with. He is about 1 year old he is still a puppy. He is  very energetic and easily excitable, but he calms fairly quick though. He loves playing fetch, tug or wrestling with other dogs. He plays well with all dogs large, small or even little puppies. He is comfortable in his kennel and he will stay even in my absence. He is great at bath time because he loves to get rubbed. This black lab would make a great addition to any family.


Zazu is still doing well. He is such a big baby. He loves people and is very playful. He has lots of energy and loves to run, fetch is his favorite game. He also enjoys playing with dogs of all sizes. He is a gentle giant with small dogs and puppies, but he won't be bullied by any big dogs wither. He would make a really great fit for any home. 


Zazu had a very nice Christmas. He got lots of treats and played plenty of fetch. While he is an energetic boy, he is still a good listener and very affectionate. He would make a great addition to any home.


Zazu is a big black lab with lots of energy and an awesome personality. He knows all of his commands and is very treat motivated. Bath time is a breeze as he calmly stays in place as he gets washed. He loves playing fetch, tug- of- war or wrestling with other (non-aggressive) dogs. Zazu is looking for his forever home. Could it be yours?


Zazu took some time off from training while he was recovering from being neutered. He is such a great dog. He loves chilling in my bed, getting belly rubs or chewing on his bone. He gets along great with most other dogs. Fetch and tug of war are is favorite games but he loves playing chase with the other dogs most of all. He practices his birddog skills by picking up as many toys as he can at one time. Him loving water makes bath time a breeze. He has a bright personality and will make a great addition to any family. 


​Week 1

The first week with Codi has been a real treat. He is the most lovable dog that I have ever had the privilege  of training. He has had no problem making friends, so finding a human to scratch behind his ear or rub his belly is no problem. Codi prefers affection above all else. He is beginning to really take to his new environment and his training is progressing as expected. 

His leash walking is pretty good for such a big fella. he is playful but calms down very easily. Codi has an infectious personality that makes him irresistible. I think Codi will be a wonderful addition to our program and I look forward to training him.

Week 2

Codi is really beginning to come out of his shell. He has a lot of personality! He is so lovable. he seems to be everyone's favorite. He goes from person to person to receive affection. 

He is a very calm boy and well mannered. His leash walking is very good. He is also beginning to learn other commands. There has been much improvement on his entering and leaving the kennel, laying on a bed, and sit. I for see no problems with Codi mastering his training. He is very eager to please. Codi is going to make someone a really awesome pet. 

Week 3

Codi's ability to process and execute commands has really improved this past week. He is now becoming more detail oriented with his behaviors.

He is becoming comfortable with his obedience training. Codi is an excellent leash walker with the exception of having to really go potty. He has also learned heel, leave it, sit and stay. These commands are in addition to a kennel routine and a feeding routine.

Codi is a well mannered dog. He loves people. He has never met a stranger, everyone is his potential friend. 

He loves affection more than any dog I've ever trained. He greets me every morning like I'm the most important person in the world and can't wait for my attention. Codi really is a teat to have around.

Week 4

Codi has had a great week. He has really settled into his new environment and has came out of his shell. We have worked on some commands and he is really catching on. He is a really well mannered dog. He never jumps on people or counter surfs, and never tries to tear up or chew on things. Codi is pretty low key energy, although he loves to explore the dorm.

He is finally settled in enough to enjoy laying on the bed at my feet while I watch tv. He is currently working on several commands including stay, heel and a feeding routine. He is progressing very well.

Week 5

Codi has had another great week. He has conquered most of his commands. We are now working on "jump" so that her will be ready to jump into his ride to his forever home. He has become completely comfortable with his environment and we can see his full personality which is really terrific. 

Codi is a fun, sweet and loving boy. He can be very playful, but also settles quickly. He really enjoys lounging around and being loved on.

Week 6

Codi has finally learned "jump" so he has now mastered all of his commands. "Jump" had been an issue for awhile. Codi was unsure of being on a higher platform, but his favorite treats got him to conquer his fears. He is a wonderful dog who is full of love and always eager to please. 

Week 7

Codi has had a great time this week with playdates. We decided to introduce Codi to two new dogs during playtime and it worked out wonderfully of course they were both females because Codi is not a fan of other male dogs.

​**** Codi is still available for adoption but has left the training program and resides at the shelter no more blogs will be added​​​


​Week 1

Hello primary trainer here, I would like to tell you about a great new dog that just entered our program, His name is Charlie and he is a very loving and playful dog. He is golden brown with big pointy ears. He walks on a leash ok so with a little training he will be great at that. Charlie is very active and is also great with other dogs. He is good with people as well. He is very smart and knows his name well. I will do the best I can in training him so that his future adopters can have a loving dog that knows how to impress their friends as well. I think he will be able to pick up commands easily just from his great personality. I will keep you updated on his training. Until next time.

Week 2

Hello primary trainer here. this is the weekly update on a very active and playful dog. His name is Charlie. He loves being petted and getting lots of attention. He walks on a leash ok but is training to be better. He plays good with other dogs and loves all kinds of people. He is golden brown and stands about knee high. He is all muscle and full of energy. We go play with all the other dogs and he does great. He is just a very loving dog and will make a great pet for someone one day. Please consider Charlie the next time yo are looking for a good dog to add to your family.

Week 3

Hello primary trainer here. This is the weekly update on a great dog named Charlie. He is very active and always ready to play. He walks ok on a leash he is still kinda young and like to run after things. You can get him back right with a small jingle of the leash. We are working on that everyday, He will get better in time. Charlie is outgoing and gentle to all the smaller dogs. He plays well with all of the other dogs we have here when we let them run on the big yard. We are starting our training this week and we are working on the bed command. This may also help him to calm down a little. We will have to see. I will keep you updated on how his training is going. Until next week.....

Week 4

Hello primary trainer here. This is the weekly update on the great and powerful Charlie. A very happy and active dog. His leash waling has improved a lot, now all I have to do is jiggle or say east and he will slow down. We are working on bed. He has picked it up really well. He will run from bed to bed when I say bed and point., so he is getting better at that. He plays really well with all of the other dogs big and small. He loves being petted and laying in your lap. He will try to lick your face, which we are trying to get him to stop doing that so much. He takes a bath well and stays calm. He is a little active when you try to clean his ears but we will be working on that as much as we can. He also loves cheese puffs so any time you can give them some of those he will love you even more. Until nest time....

Week 3

Hello, primary trainer here. This is the weekly update on a great dog named Charlie. He has been getting better and better. He knows his name and he knows bed. His leash walking is getting better every day. We have been working on give with the toys tat he plays with. He is starting to understand the concept of it. When I say give, he will drop the toy and look up at me , so that is really good. We are going to start on sit this week and see how he does. he is very smart but also very active so it will be interesting to see how this goes. I am going to teach his stay as well, hoping this will calm him down a little for times he needs to be calmer. Today is bath say and he does really well with that. We are still working on r=cleaning the ears, which he doesn't really like to stay still long enough for that part. I will keep you updates on his progress. Until next time....

Week 4

​Hello primary trainer her again. This is the weekly update on Charlie. We are still working on leash walking. He is getting better all the time. He is just so high energy and every little thing he goes crazy over. He really is a great dog though. He knows bed and will run to it and lay down when I say bed. He loves playing and never gets worn out. He is really good with other dogs and even plays well with little ones. Charlie just needs a good home where he can run as long as he wants and play as hard as he can. He is very loving and kind. He will lay there and let you pet him as long as you will stay there. He will ,ale a great per and a wonderful addition to your family, so please consider Charlie as you pick when looking for a great dog!​

Week 5

Hello, primary trainer here. This is the weekly update on the great and powerful Charlie the dog. He is a great dogs who is very playful and has endless energy that he loves to use mostly in playing every chance he gets. He is always ready to go. When they call for dog run he is the first one to be out and back in. When they go out to the big yard he always runs a lap or two around the field before the others even get warmed up good. He is doing good with leash walking and his feeding routine. We are now  working on the give command with the toys he likes to play with and he is getting the hang of it. He has come a long way since he has gotten here and will continue to learn. Until next time....

Week 6

Hello. Primary trainer here. This is the weekly update on the great dog named Charlie. We have been working on sit, stay and down. He has been doing great. He knows sit very well and stay. we ae still working on down. He is starting to understand the concept. He will do good with toys and playing. He still struggles with the give command when he is playing with toys but we will get him where he needs to be soon. It's not that he is aggressive or anything he just gets to paying and forgets everything else. I have been using toys in his training so he calms down some what . Al in all the is s great dogs and will make a wonderful pet. He is playful and loving. always ready to run. Just give hi a chance and he will be exactly the kind of dog you are looking for.

Week 7

Hello primary trainer here. This is the weekly update on the great dog Charlie. He is showing a lot of improvement and doing everything he can do that I ask of him. He knows down, stay, sit, give and we are still working on leash walking. It's not that he is bad at it, it's just that he gets in front and loses focus on what he is doing and starts to wonder off course. All in all he does ok but we continue to work on it every day. He learns fast and is very smart. He is just a little hyper. He loves to play and run. I have seen zero aggression at any time and he is very loving.

Week 8

Weekly update on the great and wonderful Charlie. He is doing well and is extremely smart. He learns all of his command in less than a week. If you are considering adopting Charlie and would like to request a few commands for him to learn before his training is over please just let the shelter know. He shows zero signs of aggression to any do no matter how big or small. The little puppies we have here lick all over his face and he just plays with them. His leash walking has gotten much better and he is calming down some. He still loves to play so we do every chance we get. He is getting better at the give command . He will stay until i say go play before he goes for his toy. He is really just a great dog that deserves a loving home. Please consider his as your next pet. He won't disappoint.

Week 9

This is the weekly update on the great an wonderful Charlie. As you know we are still working on leash walking and he is getting better every day. He plays well with all other dogs no matter how big or small. He is a big playful ball of energy and love. He really deserves a loving home where he can be loved on and played with as much as possible. He is the absolute most amazing dog ever. I couldn't ask for a better relationship with a dog. He will return all the love and affection that you can give. Please consider making Charlie part of your family.

Week 10

This is the weekly update in the great Charlie. He has been doing really good lately. His leash walking is getting better every day. He still plays with all the other dogs really good. Charlie would Make a great inside dog,, He is just calm and loves being petted on. On the other hand he will run and play with his toys and run around outside for a while as well. We still work on commands like sit, stay and down. He does good with them all. He knows his kennel routine very well. He will come out very calm and sit and wait till I say kennel. Then he will go and eat. He is very smart and loveable. Things are going good with him so please think about him when you are ready for a good dog to add to your family. Thank you for your time.

Week 11

Hello Charlie fans, this is the weekly story about the good dog named Charlie. He has been doing great playing and learning. We try to make every day a learning experience and full of fun. His leash walking is getting better everyday. He plays with toys and other dogs very well. He is a little hesitant on giving up his toy but he will in the end. He does good with taking a bath and getting brushed. He really is a good dog. He knows basic commands and is always ready to learn new things. He knows sit, down, stay and his kennel routine. He is very smart, lovable and playful. He is just a joy to have around and hang out with. If you are looking for a good inside dog that will let you know when you have company in a non-aggressive way, Charlie is the way to go. He will bark just to let you know someone is coming but not in a scary way. Please consider him as your new pet. Thank you and tune in next week another story about this wonderful dog. 

Week 12

Hello primary trainer here. This is the weekly update on the great and powerful Charlie. He has been doing really good lately on the leash walking and his commands. He has been playing and learning every day. He is a very well behaved dog. As you know Charlie knows sit, down, stay, heel and his kennel routine. A very smart dog. He loves playing with his toys and running around on small yard. He plays very good with the smaller dogs. If he drops his toy and they pick it up he will just keep playing and let them keep it until they drop it. He shows no aggression to them at all. He looks mean in pictures but he is very gentle and loveable. He is very energetic and will play all day. If you are looking for a dog that is good inside, Charlie is your boy. He is house broken and never uses the bathroom in his kennel. He rarely barks and is always on watch. If you are in the market for a new dog that is ready to go in all the ways you are looking for give Charlie a chance. He needs a good home to go to. Thanks for your time. 

Week 13

Charlie is 60 pounds of exuberance and love. He is such a happy boy. Charlie loves people, all other dogs and toys. He is always looking for an opportunity to play. He does settle down easily and will hang out on a bed or in your lap. Charlie is a beautiful boy with a big heart.

Week 14

Charlie is such a sweet boy. He looks forward to our time each morning. I sit down on the floor and enjoy a cup of coffee while Charlie hangs out usually with his head in my lap. Charlie really loves a good scratch on the head or rubbing on his tummy. He is a really smart dog that loves playing won toys, people or other dogs. Charlie is going to make a great addition to someone's home.

Week 15

Charlie is a wonderful boy. I have really enjoyed my time working with him. He is very smart and has mastered all of his commands. He really loves playing with toys. Fetch is Charlie's favorite game. Although he hasn't quite figured out the whole part of bringing it back. Don't worry he will get there.

Week 16

Charlie is the best! He is 61 pounds of great dog. Just look at that face. He is very friendly and well behaved. He loves attention and is truly a big teddy bear. He is kennel trained and walks well on a leash. He loves to run and play. He plays well with other dogs and would be a great addition to any family.

Week 17

At 61 lbs, Charlie is just a big ol' baby. He loves attention and belly rubs. He loves his chew bone and his teddy bear. He is kennel and leash trained. He is also house broken. He enjoys baths and loves to play in water puddles. Charlie gets along with other dogs and all people. He loves to do things to get treats. Charlie will make a great friend for any family. His favorite things are chasing a tennis ball, tug-a-war and cuddles.

Week 18

Hello future adopter! if you don't know or haven't seen Charlie you are missing out on a great dog. First let me tell you how sweet Charlie is. Charlie loves to play and be loved on. He is so awesome. We got Charlie this week when it was time to swap trainers. He really is such a good boy. I know I keep saying that but it can never be said enough. He knows all of his basic commands. He even leash walks very well. If you are looking for a great new member to add to your family Charlie is surely your boy. He can sit on his backside with his front legs up and it is so cute. He is beyond ready to be with a family. If you are ready please consider my boy Charlie! Schedule a meet and greet, you won't be disappointed!

Week 19

Hey adoption world! Boy do I have some great news for you this week. We have a great dog names Charlie that needs a home. Charlie is very smart and very obedient. He is so well behaved. If you haven't seen Charlie please look at the photos of him or set up a meet and greet to see him in person.

Charlie does very well with his basic commands. He sits, bed, heal, release, hurry, jump and stays really well. We took it to the next level on leash walking.

We had Charlie walking at our side with no leash. When we would stop he would stop and stay there until we started to move and said let's go. Charlie will then walk with you at your side. He is really smart and would recommend him to any family. He gets along with all dogs and people. He is super playful and loving. He is surely an amazing boy. If you are looking for a new member to add to your family, please consider Charlie.​​​

Week 20

This week was a pretty easy week for Charlie. He got to just lay around and take it easy due to a cut on his paw. Next week he will be back to work on his commands. He knows all of them and can perform them all very well. 

Charlie is a very loving and friendly dog. He greets everyone he meets with a huge smile and lots of love. Charlie is like a celebrity around here at Jenkins. Anywhere he goes people love to get his attention because of how excited he gets to get attention back..

Charlie would make a great pet for any family. He is intelligent, friendly and loving. If you are looking to make an addition to your family, Charlie would be the perfect boy.

Week 21

Hello new owner! Boy do you have a great new dog in Charlie. Charlie is an awesome in so many ways. He loves to play with toys, he will chase them if you throw them. He  has a bone that he loves to chew on. This is a must for him. If you have a big yard Charlie loves to run as well. He doesn't play wide open for too long, he get tired fast. When playing with toys you have to keep an eye on him because it is his goal to find the source of the noise. Charlie is extremely smart. He knows all of his basic commands really well. The only one he sometimes has a hard time with is give. If you treat him in one hand while saying give with the other, it works every time. As far as other commands, like his name, sit, kennel, release, hurry, wait, down, stay, bed, here, let's go, jump, heel and leave it. Charlie knows all of these very well. The one thing Charlie loves to do more than anything is get up in bed with you and cuddle. He will sleep through the night with you and not move. While cuddling, Charlie likes his face rubbed. You should create a bond with Charlie first because then he will love on you as much as you love on him. Charlie is a really great dog and needs someone to show him love. Charlie is great about only using the bathroom outside and not inside or in his kennel. He does well with a bath and we use treats at nail cutting time. Give Charlie a chance, he is good with other dogs as long as toys are not involved. He is protective of his toys. I hope that you give Charlie the chance to touch your hearts like he has ours.


Charlie showed major improvements this week with "give" and "leave it". Charlie has aggression only with playing with toys. We worked on that a lot this week. This is something you have to continue to stay on top of. At playtime, when Charlie comes out of the kennel with his toy, we have Charlie release , heel and sit. The give him a let's go to go to the dayroom. There we throw the toy and make Charlie wait to get it when he is released. He will bring it back and we let him play with it for a few minutes before giving the leave it command. We repeat this process a few times and he is doing great with it. He is such a smart and loving dog. He is well known and liked by everyone that comes in contact with him here at the facility. Whoever finally adopts Charlie and over looks his bred is going to be in for a treat. Just give him a chance to show you what a wonderful dog he really is. 


Charlie had a good week. He continues to impress. Charlie is such a happy dog. He gets so excited when someone calls his name and goes to wiggling. They call him wiggle butt. It's a must see if you haven't seen it. We continue to drill Charlie with all of his basic commands, which he knows extremely well along with some extras. Charlie is a very smart laid back dog!  Most of all Charlie just wants to chill. He will lay with you all day. He loves affection. He will give it back. If you want the best dog, just come an down and ask to see Charlie. This boy is awesome! Can't have the best if you don't come see the best. That's Charlie! 


Hello again! Charlie says hello! He also says that he is doing great. Charlie is a medium size dog weighing about 63 pounds. He has a light brown coat. Once you get to know Charlie you will see why we think he is such a great dog. He listens really good to you just calling his name. Every time he hears it he starts to wiggle from side to side. It is a must see how excited he gets just by hearing his name. He is really smart and catches onto every thing fast. He has been in the shelter since he was a small pup. Like any other dog in the world he is not perfect. He does have some toy aggression about his toys around other dogs. It's the one and only thing he doesn't like to share. He knows all of his commands and is ready to show off all he knows. If you are looking for a best friend, this is your guy.

​Not much different to say about Charlie. he is still here and still looking for a forever home. He truly deserves the best. He is a wonderful dog and best friend.


Charlie is now learning his commands in Spanish. he is doing well with them. he is doing great as always and loves to play. He is still looking for his forever home.... Could it be yours?


Nothing has changed with Charlie. Charlie is doing well. He is healthy and strong. It's crazy at feeding time. When Charlie knows he is about to eat, he gets so excited. He is still crazy about his toys and still very much a wiggle butt. He is also still just a loving big baby.



Olivia is adjusting to her new surroundings very well. She isn't use to much human contact but has discovered that people will treat her with love an affection. We have built an immediate and unbreakable bond. She is very sweet and smart. We will begin her training full force once she has had time to acclimate herself to the environment. I look forward to this experience. 

Jenkins County K911 Rescue, Inc​​



Thank you for taking time out of your day to read about Charlotte the shepperlab. ( German Shepherd/ lab mix.) Charlotte is a very energetic dog who thrives off of attention. One of the need to knows is that this dog is just 7 months old and is already a nice size dog. Charlotte still has a bit of growing to do and is very puppy playful. Charlotte is smart and learns very quickly what is acceptable when it comes to behaving when she is out and about. This big pup tends to forget sometimes how much different she is than a normal puppy when it comes to her size. Charlotte loves to be around those who are familiar with how she is. Charlotte can be a little shy when meeting new people but given time she will adjust when greeted with confidence and love. Thank you again for taking the time to see how this love bug is fairing.



Gabe is such a sweetheart. He is growing into such a good dog. Even with all that he is growing he is still so cute & wrinkly. This week we are teaching him Spin & he has picked it up in one single day. I still have to coach him a little but he is responding to both signal verbal. He is such a quick learner. Gabe does most all of his commands both signal & verbal. He will sit stay, down, heel, jump, off, here, & sometimes even home from the day room. You are really going to enjoy this dog he is going to do better in a home them he does here. I think he will develop into the perfect companion.


Gabe is a growing boy! He grows each week in size & Intelligence. This week he learned how to spin & now that is all he wants to do. It is so funny to see him do it too because his feet are so big & he is so clumsy. Gabe is super sweet & plays well with all dogs of all sizes & ages. We still work on his on & off leash walking, heel, stay, here, sit, down, stay, & shake which he does very well. He is also working on roll over. Gabe still gets. excited over treats but we are working on calming him down. He is such a good dog & I know you are going to love him. I cant wait to see the amazing dog that he grows up o be.


Gabe is in a new transition in his life. He continues to grow by the day. He is averaging close to 5 lbs a week. I think he has finally lost all of his puppy teeth and it starting to balance out a bit. Gabe plays good with dogs of all ages and we haven't found a dog that doesn't like him. Gabe is a very loyal dog, but he also loves everyone he meets and vice versa. Gabe is goofy and sweet, he likes to pile up on the bed or lay at your feet. He will play fetch and loves rope toys. Gabe is doing well with all of his commands. He knows sit, stay, down, roll over, jump, down and spin. Gabe is a really great dog with endless potential. He will make a wonderful loveable friend. come see for yourself. You will fall in love.


New year, New Gabe! It's time to teach Gabe some new tricks. Gabe has been doing great with the basics like sit, stay, down, heel, roll over, jump, spin, down and shake. This year he is going to master things like beg, pray and play dead. He is a very smart dog and so goofy. Despite his size and weight he is still very much a puppy. 

Gabe is a sweetheart and gets along with any other dogs , male or female. He loves people and I'm positive I've never seen him growl or get upset about anything. Gabe  is only a lover. 

Gabe would be a wonderful dog for absolutely anyone or any family of any size. He is just am all around great dog. He is still under a year old and should still grow a little more but I don't for see him being anything other than a big baby. Schedule a meet and greet and fall in love with this big goofy guy for yourself.


It's been another wonderful week here with Gabe. This is such a loveable dog. He has never met a stranger and loves all dogs as well. He will make friends with anyone. Despite his weight and size he is just a puppy. He is big and goofy and has a doofus personality that is sure to capture the hearts of all. Gabe is super fun, sure to be the life of any household.

He is also very smart and knows lot of commands. He is extremely treat motivated and quick to learn. He walks pretty good on and off leash. He can't wait to find his forever home and have a family of his own. 


Gabe has reached a mile marker this week, the big 75 lbs. Along with his big size comes a big personality. Gabe is quiet the character. He makes friends everywhere he goes, dogs and humans alike, no one can resist his charm. Despite his size, he is still very much a puppy. His goofy, carefree attitude toward life should be admired. Don't let that fool you, Gabe knows all of his commands. He can sit, down, roll over, play dead, spin, shake, beg, pray, this dog is smart. He can learn anything. Come meet this dog, take him home and teach him how to be your dog. He will make a great addition to any home and is guaranteed to be loved by everyone. 


Gabe has had another great week here learning, growing and playing. We have a lot of fun. Gabe is great with all other dogs of all sizes. He doesn't possess an ounce of aggression. Gabe loves everyone he has ever met and would make a great addition to any home. He knows all of his basic commands and a variety of more advanced ones. No doubt Gabe could learn anything for the right treat. He truly is a wonderful dog.  Come meet him and make him your own. Everyone needs a Gabe in their life. 



Murphy is now entering his third week her at the training program. He is a quick learner. Murphy is a very loving dog and is energetic. He will pair well with a home with a fenced in yard to run around in. He is already completely kennel trained and has not had one accident since he has been here with us. Following is a list of commands Murphy knows so far. 

Kennel Routine








Murphy will be a great choice for anyone .


Murphy is doing really good. He has been with us for three weeks now and has gotten comfortable and learned a lot. He doesn't get along with some of the other male dogs but plays good with some. When it is time to go outside he gets very excited and shoots out of his kennel like the roadrunner. He is doing ok with leash walking but he does continue to improve. When it is outside play time he hasn't really shown any interest with toys he just wants to run around and sniff things and play with the other dogs. He does like toys when he is inside however. He is a really cool guy and I'm sure he would love to share your home with you.  


Murphy is continuing to progress nicely. As for his personality he has come out of his shell more. He is not fond of the other male dogs. He does love the ladies though and does great with human interaction. He is energetic and loves to be loved on. If you want a loving fur pal and don't already have any male dogs, Murphy would be a great fit. 


Murphy is very well settled now and we are seeing the full Murph personality. He gets very excited about outside play time as well as time to eat. He just can't sit still and tap dances while you are getting his food ready. We are working with him on the release command and off leash training as well.  He would do best in a home as an only dog or with female canine companions. He has a great personality and is ready for his forever home. 


Murphy has been making great progress with his leash walking when it is time to go out for a dog run. So well that we should be able to leave the treat cup inside soon. Big yard dog runs are still a work in progress but we are seeing improvement there as well.  We are hoping when he is neutered that some of that alpha dog in him will fade out. He does wonderful with all people and loves to meet new humans. He also plays very well with female dogs his size. He is treat motivated and has a high prey drive when it comes to his toys. It has been wonderful watching him turn into this awesome well behaved dog. 


Murphy has been doing great as usual. Last week we had a big behavior breakthrough with him, on Tuesday that makes us very happy. When they call for big yard dog runs he usually goes nuts and makes loud noises , this time when he started that and was told bed, he listened and when to his bed and immediately calmed down. It was truly a big moment for us all. 

He is still doing amazing with the basic commands s we co0ntinue to reinforce them all the time. He is also learning extra ones like crawl, shake, spin and peek a boo. He is a very smart and loving dog and will surely make you smile with his wonderful personality and ninja quick 360 spins when he is excited.


Murphy is still doing great here at the training program. It is always great to see how fast he learns new things. He is very smart, loving and obedient. He loves to play with people more than toys or dogs (only females). He is potty trained and kennel trained and is doing much better with his leash walking going out on dog runs. He is a goof ball and will make you fall in love with him in a short period of time. 


Murphy is still doing great as expected because he is such an amazing dog. Someone donated some blankets to the shelter last week and he has really enjoyed his. He likes to make a pillow out of it. He is great with all of his commands and gets better and better every week with his leash walking. He would love to meet you and steal your heart and home.


Murphy and I have just been focusing on leash walking lately since that is his weakest point right now. We go outside for dog runs and big yard. We are slowly making progress and are going to continue to work at it. 


Murphy is now doing really good. He is finally over the stomach bug he had going on. He got his normal personality back and is trotting around like a freshly tuned car. His leash walking is slowly improving and still our focus right now. We still work the basics and extra commands in each day and those still look great. He is not a fan of having his nails clipped so we do lots of walks on the concrete to help with that naturally. Overall Murphy is a great dog with a personality that will leave you smiling and attached to him. Humans are his first love and he would love to meet you.

​****Murphy is still available for adoption but has left the training program and resides at the shelter no more blogs will be added.



Maui is a sweet 46 lb girl. She is kennel and leash trained. She knows commands sit, down, bed, leave it and jump. Maui loves to cuddle or play with her toys. She doesn't really like to share her toys though. She plays well with other puppies and big dogs as well. Some times it takes her awhile to warm up to new dos though.  Maui thinks she is suppose to eat every time you eat, no matter what it is , if you are chewing she thinks she should be too. She loves cinnamon rolls as well as peanut butter. She will make an awesome girl to add to your family.



there are several good things to say about Maui...

she's awesome

very lovable

plays well with other dogs and puppies

loves to cuddle

likes playing with her toys

the bad

doesn't like to share her toys

wants to eat everything you eat

little protective of her owner

the ugly

honest there's not one single ugly thing ... just look at her!


Maui is the best. She is smart, a fast learner and loves snuggles. Maui knows all of her commands and is kennel and potty trained. She takes some time to warm up to other dogs but after awhile does and plays great with them. She loves attention and pop tarts. Maui is a little spoiled but will make an awesome pet for a deserving person.


Maui is such a good dog. She loves attention and cardboard boxes. She like to play tug-a-war with the other dogs. When Maui first meets new people she is a little scared but will warm up to you in no time. She is a little spoiled and thinks she should eat every time you eat. She loves pop tarts and to sleep in your bed. She really enjoys hugs and belly rubs. Maui would be an awesome friend and new member to your family. 


Maui is some where around a year and a half old and weighs about 54 lbs. She has spent the past week going over her commands and playing as much as possible. She enjoys play time but also enjoys being cuddled up and watching tv. She is a good snuggle buddy at bed time and will remain in the bed all night without getting up and wandering around. She loves belly rubs and all of the attention she can get.


Maddie is just over 50 lbs and looks like a tiger. She is very smart and loves attention. She loves to be close to you and give you hugs. That's right Maui gives hugs. 

At first meeting Maui may seem a little scared and it may take her a few minutes but once she warms up to you you will have a friend for life. Maui knows her commands and is kennel, potty and leash trained. She does ok with other dogs when she warms up to them just like people. Once you make a bond with Maui, she is one of the sweetest most awesome dogs ever. 


Maui would do best in a home with male siblings, she is very weary of other female dogs and becomes a bit protective. She will need a little patients at first warming up to you but once she does, she will be your life-long friend. She will make someone an amazing pet.


​Maui is the best. She is a little over 50 lbs, and looks like a tiger. She is about 2 years old, smart and hard headed all at the same time. She is kennel trained and knows all of her commands. Maui gets along ok with male dogs but other females not so much. She would do best as an only dog. She loves attention, pop tarts and to play with a card board box. 


Two year old Maui is a sweet 55 pound tiger looking overgrown baby. Maui is kennel trained, leash and potty trained. She knows several commands like sit, down, bed, leave it, here, stay, jump, off, kennel, high five.

Maui will be a great only dog. It takes her a long time to warm up to other animals and it's still not always gonna work. She is very scared of them and feels the need to protect herself.  

Maui loves attention and loves to play tug of war, with her toy rope and a cardboard box. Her favorite treats are pop tarts and cheese puffs. She loves to be held. 


Week 1

Buddy is doing good. He now weighs 60 pounds. He is shedding a lot right now with the warmer weather starting and would probably need a good grooming this time of year. He knows all of his 13 basic commands, he just does them when he is ready to do them. We are working on this and teaching him to understand we are the boss. He is a little scared of sudden moves and does not like other male dogs. He is however becoming more playful. 

Week 2

Buddy is doing well. Still doesn't like other male dogs too much. He knows all 13 basic commands but he is kinda stubborn with them. I give him a command and then have to stand there and wait for him to get ready to do it. He doesn't mind taking baths. He is shedding really bad right now.

Week 3

Buddy is a gentle and loving canine. He loves to cuddle with people but does not like other male dogs. When in contact with them, he will growl and bark but can easily be redirected with a stern 'No". As far as his commands go, Buddy knows them all well. Most of the time Buddy will eat fine alone but sometimes he wants my company when he eats. As for other things he likes,  he likes to play chase and cuddle and snore like a pig. Buddy still don't like any type of toys. He loves duck bacon and chicken.


Buddy is such a sweet and loving dog. He loves people but no so much other male dogs. He wants to be the alpha. Buddy knows all of his basic commands and he knows a few more. He knows sit, down, bed, here, heel, jump, off, stay and he knows his kennel routine. Buddy does great with baths. Check back for hopefully an adopter update soon. 


Buddy is a great dog. He loves people and enjoys being petted. He does well with most female dogs but not so much with males. He always wants to be the alpha. Buddy knows all of the basic commands like sit, down, bed, leave it, heel, stay, jump, off, here and wait. Buddy is sometimes very stubborn and not give good eye contact. You have to show him you will wait it out and he will finally look at you. Tune in next week for more, or go fill out that adoption application and give this boy the home he deserves. 


As I always say, Buddy is such a great dog. He loves people and enjoys being petted and loved on. Buddy is a very smart dog. He knows all of his basic commands like sit, here, heel, jump, off, leave it and wait. He deserves a great home.


Buddy is such a great dog. He loves people and enjoys being petted. Buddy does great with most female dogs but not so much other male dogs. He wants to be the alpha. Buddy is well trained and knows all of his basic commands from sit, down, bed, leave it, jump, off, here, heel and his kennel routine. He even knows a few extras. We have been working on spin and roll over. If you want a loving and lazy (most of the time) dog Buddy is the one.


Buddy is a very smart and loving dog. He is very much an alpha dog though so he does great with female dogs but males not so much. He is great on all of his commands and walks well on a leash. He really would make someone an amazing pet and best friend. 


Buddy knows all of his commands and a few extras. He walks great on a leash. He is house broken and kennel trained (never had an accident in hi kennel). If you want a great , loving dog (and have no other males dogs) Buddy is your guy.


Buddy is such a sweet and loving dog. Everyone loves him. He will just lay lay there and let you pet him all day. Buddy is very smart but sometimes stubborn. He knows all of his basic commands and his kennel routine. He is also potty trained and knows a few extra commands like, shake, high five and spin. I am working on getting him to do them all verbally an not just with the hand signals. If you want a good and loving dog for your home, Buddy is the one.


Buddy is such a sweet and loving dog. He has a beautiful coat and everyone loves to pet him. He knows all of his basic commands. He would do great in any home that does not have other male dogs. He isn't bad with all of them just intact, dominate ones. He is going to be neutered this month so we are hoping some of that will go away.


Buddy is a very loving, well trained dog. He knows all of his commands that we teach. Some of these include sit, down, bed, leave it, kennel and heel. Buddy has also learned a few extras like shake, up, beg and bang. Buddy is an alpha which means he will do good for a family that has no other dogs already. He also has been neutered. He is an affectionate, loving house dog that will enjoy laying on the couch watching tv with you. 


Week 1

Zo has had another good week here at Jenkins, learning and playing. We have also found a new play partner, Panda. He is a male Sheppard mix that weighs about 10 pounds more than Zo. We introduced them first with the leashes in the training room. After two minutes we realized that there was no need for our precautionary measures. The two of them played for fifteen minutes non-stop, as if they had known each other for years. Panda and Zo definitely wore each other out. On an even better note a worn out Zo is submissive and compliant when leash walking. 

Week 2

Enzo has had another good week and is improving daily in his behaviors. In addition to the behavioral improvement, Zo's leash walking is getting better as well. For such an active dog, he calms quickly when he is being petted. Zo even went to sleep this weekend in my lap while I was petting him. Of course this angelic behavior comes with a price. Zo wants one hand to scratch him while he holds the other one in his mouth. Not biting, just holding. That's  all for Zo this week.

Week 3

Zo has had another great week in the Jenkins training program. He continues to improve on his leash walking, but Zo is really best after he has played for about 5-10 minutes to burn off some of his excess energy. He will play with toys or without. He plays well with Panda and Bo. Zo does not do well with smaller dogs and sees them as play toys (not in a good way). I am continuing to work with his socialization with people and smaller dogs but for now i do not believe he would be good in a home with small children or small dogs. Zo is a great dog but he does have these few major flaws that keep him from being appropriate for all families.

Week 4

Zo has had another good week of first. Zo has started wearing a mesh muzzle to correct a nibbling on people or other dogs problem that he has. This has had an added benefit of improving Zo's overall leash walking since it limits his ability to "sample" his environment. Additionally, if Zo is engaging in non stop barking to get out of his kennel when it is not his turn. 2 to 3 minutes with his muzzle quiets him and calms him down. Enough of Zo's muzzle training and on to his favorite thing, food! Zo is becoming a more well rounded eater. Not only does he enjoy hot dogs from the chow hall, he now has an appetite for mashed potatoes, dinner rolls and mixed vegetables. That's it for this week come back next week for a new update.


It's been awhile since anyone has heard about my little buddy, Zo, but he is doing great. Zo has mastered all of his basic commands, plus kiss, shake, high five, spin, roll over, speak and play dead. My personal favorite though is at bedtime when Zo sleeps at the foot of my bed and keeps an eye on me all night. Zo would be a perfect companion of an active outdoor family. Couch potatoes beware though, Zo would only be outside when you are outside and on the couch with you when you are there. If you are looking for a life long friend then look no further than Zo.


It's been another fun week here with Zo. He is well known around the dorm for his love of playtime, but his fondness for soft toys has been turned against him. We have a little plush grey squirrel that Zo is convinced is alive. It doesn't help him when we tie a string to it and pull it across the floor. Zo will send up to two hours just staring at the little squirrel. Nothing much else is going on this week with Zo except he is still searching for his forever family. He is 55lbs and I am 260lbs but somehow we share a twin bed every night. He always starts at the foot of the bed but 2 out of 3 nights, I end up sharing a pillow with him. I guess it's a good thing he likes having his teeth brushed! 


Well folks, November is almost over and we all know what that means..... Christmas is right around the corner. I normally don't advocate adopting a pet as a present but we have some great catches here. Zo is surely the star of the show. He isn't a puppy anymore, but you can't tell him that when it's time to run. The bottom line is that there are no bad choices here as we have a dog fit for every family. Open up your hearts and your homes to a new family members this year. You won't be sorry.


When we write blogs, they can become repetitive after awhile. This isn't the case with Enzo though every day is a new experience. Before we go any further, I have to be honest. We have been setting up Zo's favorite toys just out of his reach when he is in the kennel. Then we block his view of the toy with a blanket and move it. Sometimes we tie string to a toy and pull it out of his sight. The look on Zo's face is priceless!! He really believes that these toys are alive. After they have moved he will stare at them for a minute in disbelief. Then when his attention wanders, the toy will move again. There are so many ways to have fun with Zo.


It's a new year and Enzo is looking for a new home. If you are looking for a high energy playmate/companion, then look no further. Got squirrel problems? No worries, Zo loves to catch the little tree rats. Basically if it involves playing, then o is your dog. Zo is not an appropriate pet for small children, he is way to active


Zo has had a great week in the dog dorm. His average day starts at 6 am with a training session. Then he gets to play with a toy by himself. There are usually 2-4 more training sessions throughout the day. When we have time there is a chance to play with a doggie friend in the day room. The highlight of Zo's day is when he gets to run on the small yard around 1 pm. He can fly and it sounds like a horse galloping when he is at top speed. The day ends between 9-11 pm when he hops into my bed and sleeps at my feet. He will then sleep the night away.


The past week with Zo has been a very good week. We have started to learn two new commands hug and crawl. he is progressing well on both of these while still retaining all of his other ones he has learned. Zo continues to be loving and smart and sometimes, more often than not, just plain goofy. Zo brings a smile to  her face constantly. He plays well with a few of the other larger dogs. His favorite is tug of war. Zo would be a good in a single dog home , as he has lots of energy and loves all of the attention he can get. Allow Zo to bring a smile to your face as he so often does ours. 


Zo is still doing well and knows all of his commands. He does well with baths and walks well on a leash. He loves his people but would do best in a forever home with no other dogs. He likes to play fetch as well as tug-of-war.  He makes a great companion and is ready to share a forever home with you.


Less han wo weeks post-op and Zo is fully recovered. This morning he fetched his ball and ran so much with it that he had to drop it to pant. TTug of war use to be his facorite game but with the right squeaky ball, he would much rather run. We have two female dogs in heat and where that use to be a problem for Zo now, he would just rather play fetch than even be concerned. 



Week 1

Hello future adopters. We have a really nice rescue dog for you. His name is Bo. Bo is solid black with a patch of white on his chest. Bo joined us this weak after being rescued. He came in looking like he had lost his family and was so sad. Sad and weak from living outside with nothing to eat. Fighting for every little crumb. Bo is in great hands now. We gave him a bath and cleaned him up. Bo just stood there enjoying it or was scared straight one. He has had two baths since then and has stood there the same way each time. Bo is getting plenty of food and rest on a comfortable bed this week. We haven't started any training yet so that he can just rest up and get use to the place first. We will get started soon on a few commands. If you would like to meet Bo just call and schedule a meet and greet. We will be keeping you updated.

Week 2

Hello future adopter! Bo is doing great. Not only does he look a lot better since he joined us here for training, but everything about him is better. His skin and coat look better and he acts happier than ever as well. He has had a great week with us and is very intelligent. He nailed his kennel routine. Upon being released, he will go into the heel position and sit at your side. He is learning very fast. Come in for a meet and greet soon and meet the wonderful Bo for yourself.

Week 3

Hello future adopter! Bo had a great week with us. Let me first say how sweet Bo is. Is one of the sweetest. He loves attention and gets so excited when he receives some. He worked on his basic commands this week. He knows sit really well. We are working on down, stay, bed and leave it. Bo continues to nail his kennel routine, once relaxed, he wait until he is told to release and then will sit following his heel. We will continue to teach Bo everything we know. He did excellent during bath time which included ear cleaning and brushing his teeth. He is such a great dog and would make a great addition to any family. Come on down for a meet and greet with him and I promise you will not be disappointed. He is waiting!

Week 4

Dear adopter,

Thank you for taking the time to read about Bo, the loyal companion. Beau is a very smart dog who enjoys the company of all dogs from medium to small. Bo enjoys playing and rolling around in some fresh cut grass and then shaking off to come in and relax on a nice soft bed. Bo does have some energy but not so much that it is overwhelming. He enjoys treats and is a healthy eater who leaves nothing behind. Thank you for taking a few minutes to read about the magnificent Bo and please consider him when looking for a new member to add to your family. Until next week......

Week 5

Bo is a lab/pit mix. with a very easy going temperament. He has a very black coat so black that it almost looks red in the sunlight. His kennel manners are excellent as well. Bo seems to have had some training some where down the line because he will already sit, bed and down. He also likes to be brushed and didn't mind it very much when we gave him his second bath. He does not like to have his teeth brushed though so that is a work in progress for him. Bo gets along with all of the other dogs in the program with the exception of two very dominate males. He will run and play with all of the other males, female, big and small. From looking at his teeth I would say he is around 1.5 to 2 years old. Beau and I plan to work on the rest of his basic commands in the coming week. So until next week Bo says "Woof".

Week 6

Bo is making very good progress on his leash walking which was fair when he arrived. He could already sit and down when he came which leads me to believe that someone has worked with him before. He is a very social dog that loves to interact with people and other dogs as long as they do not display dominant behaviors. His kennel manners are good and he has only had one accident in his kennel the whole time he has been here, which was of no fault of his. He was barking to let me know and I just didn't move fast enough.

Bo also loves to play fetch and will bring it back, (most of the time). He has zero food or toy aggression. Bo would make a great pet for someone with a fenced yard where he can have time to romp and play at some point during the day. 

In the coming week we plan to work on stay and here.

Set up a meet and greet with Beau! 

Week 7

Bo is doing well here at the K-911 program and is a fast learner. Bo will now sit, down, stay, jump and walk well on the leash. He also loves to play fetch and has become very good at it. Bo also loves to run on the big yard and becomes very vocal when he sees he is on his way to run. In the coming week, we plan to work on his here command which he will do most of the time, as well as reinforce the rest of his commands. Bo will make a great pet/ friend for someone. He loves to be brushed and petted as well as hang out on the bed. Set up a meet and greet with Bo, you won't be disappointed.

Week 8

Bo continues to do well with all aspects of his training. He is just a puppy at heart and loves to play with toys... all toys are his favorite. He will try to play keep a way from you for awhile and then bring it back to you for you to throw again. Bo plays well with smaller dogs and puppies. He will rough house with the puppies here and always let them "win".

Bo will make a great addition to anyone's family. Please call and set up a meet and greet with Bo.

Week 9

​Bo has spent the last week working on all of his basic commands of which he knows well. We also let a few "new" people pull him and run through his commands and he performed them just as well for the 'New" people. I plan to let this become a normal thing in which different people do his commands with him so that he will be ready to do them for anyone. Bo would be a great addition to your life/home. He is very eager to please and interact with people. He loves to lounge around on his dog bed or mine almost as much as he loves to run and play his version of fetch. Please set up a meet and greet and come out to meet this wonderful boy and give him the forever home he deserves!

Week 10

Bo is actively looking for a parole address. Bo is ready for his release back into the free world. During the time Bo has spent here, he has learned how to sit, stay, down, here, speak, shake, bed, how to go in and out of the kennel/crate. His kennel manners are perfect and he does not use the restroom in his kennel. 

Bo loves to romp and play with the other K-9s here at the K-911 Program. His favorite toy is a thick braided toy rope that he loves to play tug of was with. Bo does well with small dogs once the initial meeting takes place. If you like to take walks or go to the park and just stroll around  Bo is the dog to have along. His leash walking skills are excellent and he loves to walk as well. Set up a meet and greet and come meet Bo, I promise you wont' ne disappointed.

Week 11

Bo had yet another great week here at the program. He is still looking for a parole address to parole out to. His time here is done. He needs a forever home to call his own. He is a very social dog who loves to interact with people. He is small dog tolerant and loves all of the puppies that are here at the program. Bo will sit, stay, here, down, bed, and kennel. He is leash trained and has a very good walk. Bo would make a great addition to your family. Help Bo get out of prison and sign his parole papers today. 

Week 12

Bo is doing well here at Jenkins k 9-1-1 program. He performs his commands sit, down, stay, shake, speak and bed very well. A few of the other commands such as here and heel are a work in progress. Keep in mind that all of this is from a dog was abused. Bo does not have a mean bone in his body ands by all standards a "big baby" . He loves to pay with all of the dogs here. He doesn't care how bog or little they are. Bo just needs a home where he can romp and have some one to love him. Bo has never used the bathroom in his kennel and he walks well on a leash Help Bo get out and provide him a home where he can get the love and attention he deserves.

Week 13

Bo continues to do well in the program and has came a long way from the scared, timid dog he was when he first came in. Bo has a list of commands that he knows like the back of his paw as well as a list that are considered a work in progress. Bo needs a home where someone is going to love on him, he has a fenced in yard with room to romp and run. He likes to be brushed and to take a bath. Please set up a meet and greet and meet this wonderful dog.

Week 14

Bo continues to do well here at the k 9-1-1 program. He really has come a long way in the 4 plus months he has been here. The commands that he knows are sit, down, stay, shake, speak, bed, wait and here. This week we are learning to spin. We have started working on roll over and he has that one almost down pat. Bo is a very smart/ affectionate dog. He will make a great companion for someone. Please set up a meet and greet to meet Bo. He will not disappoint. He is ready for a home of his own with a fenced in yard to get some play time in and a nice cozy spot to rest in front of the tv and he will give you all the love and loyalty you want in return.

Week 15

Bo is a great dog that has came a long way since he entered our program. He is still a little timid of loud things like whistles, noisy crowds and thunderstorms. He is a great companion who walks great on a leash and knows his commands. He is looking for a forever home with lots o love to share. Maybe it's yours.


Just a quick update on Bo. Bo is a great dog and knows all of his commands. He would do best in a home as an only dog. He needs a yard to run in and someone to love. He has been with us for awhile and is so ready to find his forever home.


Bo is doing great and getting use to his new muzzle. It fits him well but he is still able to get it off if he works really hard at it. We are trying to get him use to it so that he can be exposed to more dogs and learn that they are nice and want to play with him and not hurt him. He is going to get better and not have this issue after some training. 


Bo is doing great. He loves all the meat treats he has been getting and the big rope toy he gets to play with along with Zazu. He has been great at playing when toys are involved and you can keep him from biting the other dog. He really can be a great dog. He is just scared of encounters with the other males and feels he needs to protect himself. He hates crowds and is always unsure of new people. He loves attention when he gets to know you and if he doesn't know you most of the time he just ignores you. He is a good dog and will make the right person very happy. 


Bo is doing great. He has been playing great with one of the puppies here. He loves the big yard and has no issues as long as he has on his muzzle. He really enjoys getting chased and stretching out is legs. He is a little to fast and hard when running to be one the yard when the puppies are out because he will just run over them. He plays well in the dorm with Zazu. He has enjoyed all the new treats and special prizes he has gotten this week. 


Bo is doing great, He has been loving playing on the big yard and playing with Gabe in the dorm. He really is a good dog. He just doesn't do well around lots of new people at one time or new dogs suddenly. Once he finds another dog that he is ok to play with he is wonderful with them. He doesn't like other dogs that growl at him. He loves meat treats and will do any of his commands if he knows he is gonna get one. Bo would be an amazing pet and friend for the right person. 


Bo has spent the last few days getting use to Raven. I am not sure why but he doesn't particularly like small dogs. After he gets use to them being around he does get to the point where he just ignores them or decides it's ok to play with them like he does Lotto and Maddie. He loves attention from people. he loves to run around for awhile and then just crash on a nice soft dog bed. He will be great in the right home and would make them a perfect dog.


Bo has been great. He has been getting more use to the new dogs. Roscoe, Snowball and Raven. He does really great around them. He loves Raven, she just doesn't know  how to feel about him yet. Bo has been doing great at playing with Zazu and Gabe this week. He loves to run in the yard and any hard chew toy. He has been doing roll over and spin but only for chicken treats. Bo s doing good with other people also. He barks but it is just to get their attention so he can get petted. He is a great dog and will be perfect in the right home.


Bo has had another great week and is still looking for that special adopter that is ready to have a great dog but is willing to understand that he loves his people hard and can be protective of them and his space. He would be best as a one on one pet but would also do ok with a small family of adults. He just needs to be loved and understood.


Bo has been great . he has been playing with Lotto a lot more. He does great with the smaller dogs. He likes to teach them and be chased by them. He runs to fast for the puppies though. Edward is scared of him when he runs. Bo just wants them to run with him. He still also plays great with Gabe, Zazu, Destiny and Dakota. He loves big yard time most of all. He is a great dog and would be amazing in the right home.